Want to help save the poplars?
Adopt-A-Poplar with a donation of $50 or $100. Choose which poplar you want to adopt, and the female Italian name ($50) or a male name ($100.)
The Adoption Procedures are below.
Your email should be made available via PayPal. If you don't here from us within a day of donation please email
Thank you!

Sample Signs
We can provide one...
or you can personalize your own.
Adoption Procedures
Instructions if you want us to make your sign and install it:
Choose a name based on your donation amount. There are many Italian names online.
Select your tree, and provide us with enough information using landmarks so we know which one it is. Or, we can pick the tree for you.
Once we have affixed the sign, we will send you photo confirmation.
If you are able, visit your tree, document wildlife in the area, photos are ideal, and send this information to us.
Instructions if you want us to make your sign but you install it:
Choose a name based on your donation amount. There are many Italian names online.
We will contact you when the sign is ready to coordinate delivery. We can accompany you to install the sign if you prefer.
To affix the sign to the tree, you will need to drill 2-4 holes. Please use non-abrasive polypropylene rope or coated twine, and tie the sign securely to the tree. It should not flap or blow in the wind, which could abrade the tree. DO NOT NAIL the sign to the tree, or use staples.
Please take a photo of your sign, and send us confirmation.
Please visit your tree, document wildlife in the area, photos are ideal, and send this information to us.
Instructions if you want to make your own sign and install it:
Choose a name based on your donation amount. There are many Italian names online.
Select your tree and notify us of its location and the name you have chosen so we can keep track of adopted trees and names.
To affix the sign to the tree, you will need to drill 4 holes. Please use non-abrasive polypropylene rope or coated twine, and tie the sign securely to the tree. It should not flap or blow in the wind, which could abrade the tree. DO NOT NAIL the sign to the tree, or use staples.
Please take a photo of your sign, and send us confirmation.
Please visit your tree, document wildlife in the area, photos are ideal, and send this information to us.
What's in a Name?
Who We Are
Each Adopter can choose a female Italian name painted on a name tag that will be affixed to their Adopted tree. Why Italian female names? Evidently some City decision makers believe these poplars represent white male European colonization. The thinking goes that cutting them down is part of the decolonization movement, and replanting with native trees would be more feminine. This is high-jacking of legitimate movements, such as decolonization and feminism, to justify the destruction of the poplars.
If anyone wants to name their tree with a male Italian name, we’re offering those sponsorships at a premium level of $100 instead of $50. Let’s show these agencies we value our historic trees which provide an appropriate amount of habitat along this highway, AND a transparent public process. Adopt-A-Poplar and help us do just that.
Save The Poplars For Future Generations
This community has been involved in every effort to educate and support development that does not destroy the legacy of this lovely historic seaport. The poplars are integral to that legacy and provide important environmental functions, habitat and beauty.
We need to be involved.
We need well thought out options to choose from.
We need to hold these public agencies accountable.
It is a legacy worth defending